Thursday 29 December 2011


Almost the end of another year,finished up the squares and gave it to Tom and Becca.(Will thinks this is my best quilt to date) Got Jakes animal quilt off to him too.Bound the batik quilt and may try hand quilting. Made pjs for georges monkey. Only 2 leaves left to outline in my blackwork then I can begin the gold embellishing. The New Year will bring some interesting swaps and makey do iseas from my QWU forums.There is to be a PC of where we live,another group quilt adventure and an ongoing project where each month we create for our own enjoyment a 12 x 12 mini quilt with the theme of various letters of the alphabet each month. Jan is either A or B and at the moment I am over run with ideas.I played with glue and muslin to make a 3 d African mask from one of my wooden sculptures and think i may go with the African theme.(or Abracadabra,aromatic,alphabet soup or.......)

Wednesday 7 December 2011


Made wreaths and some pillowcases just for fun.Not an artist but was quite pleased regardless

Thursday 1 December 2011


1st Dec already,no more Christmas things that I have to make but would like to do a table runner for Lisa.
Making Jake an African theme quilt,got the top done,no hurry as he has dozens.
Doing a quilt with boxes and stripes,this is being a bit difficult.
Got another lovely parcel from tabbycat fabrics.Speed is not the word.Order 1 day and it arrives the next.

Sunday 27 November 2011

November update.

Funny month as I have made things but am at a loss now to remember them all.
Made 4 wreathes for family for Christmas,they are just waiting on ornaments for the middles.2 cushions for Jake but forgot to photograph those.A baby quilt finished for George. The top is done on an African animal quilt for Jake.Made hostess needlecases for the Christmas swap folks.Did a threadpainted nutcracker for Charlotte and received a great surfing santa pic from BB.

Tuesday 11 October 2011


Another month.Where does the time go.
Gave caitlin her quilt,got a top ready for Lisa's gift for her BIL,made up my mini reverse applique,a folded needle case,a folded fabric box.tried some inktense pencil drawing,some thread painting and I am up to date with swaps I think.
Binding on the Bricks and Stepping stones too.Phew.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Finishing up

Finally got a binding on my reverse applique mini quilt.
Finished up a quilt for Caitlin who will be 4 next week.
My pond challenge piece was shown in situ with the other 11 and I am amzed at how it comes together.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

current state of play.

Robbin got my gift,still no word on the Pond thing though.
Finished the top for Scrap Bag Challenge,finished the top of the girly quilt and just need to sew down a binding on a small reverse applique quilt i made a few weeks ago.
Made myself a small needle case too from a Flower Origami book,sweet.

Sunday 11 September 2011


Got a scrappy border on my Bow ties,got my Pond challenge sent off.PHEW.
Denise received her replacement for her inchie twinchie thing. I am now the proud owner of a BJ original picture postcard.Fabulous rendition of a lighthouse based in Australia.This was part of a swap too.
I have cut and sewn together some blocks for the current scrap bags challenge but somehow it is not as cheerful looking as scrappers usually are.Never mind I will persevere.
Bought some gorgeous little girly material for a quilt for Tom's girlfriend Becca's little girl Caitlin who is going to be 4 in October. Not decided yet what pattern to make it up in.

Monday 5 September 2011


A few things achieved but not all.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

To do

Quite a list of to do;s/Finish my batik quilt,it is sandwiched and waiting for ......

Cut more coloured pieces from scraps for my Bow ties,it is so effective,can;t believe I have never made one before.

Great Aussie swap,big postcard,too many ideas but implementing them - not easy.

Pond challenge - piece of an art quilt made from a picture of part of a pond.Pheww.Still pondering,but through the night I had an idea for one aspect.

Still got loads of diamonds to do for my handsewn project,only been at it off and on for a couple of years and achieved almost nothing.

Also journalling techniques for textiles,may drop everything else and start the new one.

Nothing done for the last few days as we had a family get together,DH;s son and wife and their little boy george came up and we had a garden party at Rachaels.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Wednesday 13 July 2011

halloween hearts


been watching fellow quilters make heart sachets on Gifty galore site and thought this morning,how about if I use Halloween materials and make bunting or a wreath with hearts.going to give that a go.

Monday 11 July 2011

New projects

had a play with soluble stabiliser today and made a bowl in the shape of a sunflower.

Also been cutting out piles of black and white squares to make a reverse applique mini quilt.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Try Try Try again

Having a go again at thread painting and not managing.Bought a hoop last night and gave it another go.A little better but my machine just chews up the threads. I must read up and see what else to do.I WANT TO DO THIS.

Monday 27 June 2011


Both my nephews have had baby boys.John's son is called john and adam has a son called Adam.
John also has a little girl who I made a mermaid quilt for.

Monday 9 May 2011


Baby quilt no 4 - top done.My hands are sore and I have new pains in my fingers oh the joys of Arthur.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Cock a doodle doooooo

Have the urge to produce a cockerel.Found some pics and will gather materials.Which one though,I could make 2 and combine them in something.Also want to do a giraffe pic and sooo many other things.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Flower pounding

Hammer,,,,,delicate flower heads,,,1 grandson....check.

Not usually words associated with each other but the results are lovely. Heard about this on quilters posts and wanted to give it a try but Jake was the only one allowed to use Grandads hammer.
I will just have to get my own cos I love this.

Friday 6 May 2011

Latest project

Had a real bout of creative constipation. Made 3 quilts for babies,did a atc swap with Robbin on ACEO site.Been using Tyvek again but lost the photos somewhere in my finepix folder.Last night I just had to tear up some muslin into strips and using watered down PVA I made an elephant.Quite what I will do with it I do not know,but this is only stage 1.